[Séminaire #ecnEHESS] Une Déclaration des Droits pour internet ? (Juan Carlos De Martin, 19 juin 2017, 17h)

NB ⚠️ A cause d’un retard important sur la ligne TGV, le séminaire #ecnEHESS avec le prof. De Martin a été annulé. Nous nous excusons auprès de tout.e.s les participant.e.s pour ce désagrément. La séance va être reprogrammée pour l’année prochaine.

Le séminaire aura lieu le lundi 19 juin 2017, de 17h à 20h à l’EHESS, Salle Lombard, 96 bd. Raspail, 6e arr. Paris.

La présentation et les débats se dérouleront en anglais.

Pour suivre le séminaire sur Twitter : hashtag #ecnEHESS.

Title: Looking back at the 2015 Declaration of Internet Rights

Speaker: Juan-Carlos De Martin

Abstract: The idea that a human-rights approach could be useful to shape the digital revolution goes back to the 1970s. While France was adopting its “Loi Informatique et Liberté” and creating the CNIL, in Italy the lawmaker and future founder of the Italian Privacy Authority, Stefano Rodotà, argued in favor of a ‘Bill of Rights’ protecting citizens from the creation of ‘computer dossiers’ by Governments and large corporations.
The idea was kept alive while computer networks continued to grow in the 1980s and 1990s. Yet it reached the limelight only in early 2000, in the wake of the World Wide Web and the emergence of large digital corporations. As a reaction, in the following years dozens of ‘Internet bill of  rights’ were produced all over the world (from Brazil, to Nigeria and the Philippines), mostly by civil society organizations.
In 2015 a study commission established by the President of the Italian Parliament also published a Declaration of Internet Rights, which was subsequently signed by French and Italian parliaments, and recently adopted as a reference document by the European Parliament in order to draft a EU Charter of Internet Rights.
What is the potential of a digital rights approach to shape the digital revolution? Has it already achieved any results? Should we keep working in this direction? If yes, what else is needed?