Tag: cancer

Posted in body digital humanities

Open Cure: When Digital Humanities Meet Medical Humanities

While studying urban violence, I bumped into data artist and TED fellow Salvatore Iaconesi (aka xDxD.vs.xDxD), who was working on some impressive riots visualizations. A couple of weeks ago, he published a video on his website bearing quite upsetting news…

Posted in body social capital social networks

New discovery: actually Internet CURES cancer!!!

By Antonio A. Casilli (Centre Edgar-Morin, EHESS, Paris) After putting online a post that satirized an article claiming that electronic… read more New discovery: actually Internet CURES cancer!!!

Posted in body social networks

Use social networking services, get free cancer

By Antonio A. Casilli (Centre Edgar-Morin, EHESS, Paris) In a recent lecture at the University Paris Descartes I had mentioned… read more Use social networking services, get free cancer