Tag: eating disorders

Posted in Publications
Dernier ouvrage : “Le phénomène “pro-ana’. Troubles alimentaires et réseaux sociaux” (Oct. 2016)
Mon dernier ouvrage (co-écrit avec Paola Tubaro) est Le phénomène “pro-ana”. Troubles alimentaires et réseaux sociaux, paru aux Presses des… read more Dernier ouvrage : “Le phénomène “pro-ana’. Troubles alimentaires et réseaux sociaux” (Oct. 2016)
admin 1 October 2016
My seminar at the London School of Economics confirmed
So my seminar on pro-ana websites at the Institute of Social Psychology of the London School of Economics will not… read more My seminar at the London School of Economics confirmed
admin 23 April 2010
An ethno-computational approach to pro-ana online communities (powerpoint)
First the French railways strike, then the Eyjafjallajokull volcanic ashcloud. Anyhow, I would NOT have been able to make it… read more An ethno-computational approach to pro-ana online communities (powerpoint)
admin 18 April 2010