Tag: social network analysis

Posted in body social capital social networks space

Bums, bridges, and primates: Some elements for a sociology of online interactions

What kind of social structures Web users contribute to put in place? And what do monkeys have to do with it? Text presented at the conference “Web Culture: New Modes of Knowledge, New Sociabilities”, Villa Gillet, Lyon (France), February 10th, 2011.

Posted in body social capital social networks

Le corps dans les réseaux sociaux : technologie du soi, technologie du nous (slides)

Slides de la cinquième séance du séminaire EHESS ‘Corps et TIC : approches socio-anthropologiques des usages numériques’ (vendredi 11 févr. 2011).

Posted in social networks

What's the actual size of your personal social network? Some numbers

In 1992 Robin Dunbar proposed a rough estimate of 150. But the “Dunbar’s number” pretty much doubled in 1998, when Peter Killworth suggested a mean personal network size of 290. And in 2010 that number doubled again, as Matthew Salganik came up with 610 personal. So who says 1,200?

Posted in social capital social networks

Sociologie en boîte vs. analyse des réseaux sociaux

PDF de mon article “‘Petites boîtes’ et individualisme en réseau. Les usages socialisants du Web en débat”, tout juste paru dans Les Annales des Mines, série Réalités Industrielles (novembre 2010).

Posted in Non classé social capital social networks

Running experiments on Twitter? Don't forget the bug

There’s nothing that error analysis wouldn’t fix. But I prefer to sit here and ponder the epistemological ramifications of the way bugs are impacting the traditional way we make science…

Posted in social capital social networks

Friendship on Facebook: an ethno-computational approach (Sunbelt XXX presentation)

Very happy to put online our powerpoint presentation – just delivered at Sunbelt international conference, world’s biggest conference on social… read more Friendship on Facebook: an ethno-computational approach (Sunbelt XXX presentation)

Posted in social networks

Sunbelt Conference: Lake, sun and social network analysis, baby!

Just a quick post to tell you I’m heading to Riva del Garda (Italy). Lake, sun and social network analysis,… read more Sunbelt Conference: Lake, sun and social network analysis, baby!

Posted in body social capital social networks

Autonomie et coopération dans les communautés pro-ana en ligne

Powerpoint de l’intervention d’Antonio Casilli à l’Institut Télécom ParisTech (14 juin 2010) : “Entre autonomie et coopération. Le cas des communautés pro-ana”.

Posted in body social capital social networks

Droit, Internet, autonomie et communautés « pro-ana »: deux séminaires à Paris

Allez, je me remets au blog après une période d’interruption due au fait que j’ai cherché à travailler un peu… read more Droit, Internet, autonomie et communautés « pro-ana »: deux séminaires à Paris

Posted in body social capital social networks

Studying pro-ana communities in the social web (LSE seminar and references)

So here’s the powerpoint presentation of yesterday’s LSE seminar. I want to thank the students and faculty of the Institute… read more Studying pro-ana communities in the social web (LSE seminar and references)