Tag: censorship
Nouvelle enquête : médias, Internet et censure en Iran
Une enquête unique a été conduite sur un échantillon de 1022 citoyens iraniens par une équipe de chercheurs de l’Iran Media Program (Annenberg School of Communications de l’Université de Pennsylvanie) en collaboration avec Gallup. Le rapport final “Finding a Way – How Iranians reach for news and information” est disponible en ligne. Voilà quelques résultats saillants…
Would online censorship be effective? Evidence from two research projects proves the opposite
Hi, you’ve probably reached this blog after listening to my interview with Jian Ghomeshi on CBC Radio Canada’s programme Q…. read more Would online censorship be effective? Evidence from two research projects proves the opposite
Et in Athenis ego: update on ongoing research on the body + riots
I know I should be in Lyon for the www12 conference with all the Internet big shots, but instead I’m… read more Et in Athenis ego: update on ongoing research on the body + riots
Banning pro-ana websites? Not a good idea, as Web censorship might have a 'toothpaste tube effect'
[Update 05.04.13: A longer version of this post, with revised results, has evolved into a full-fledged article published by the… read more Banning pro-ana websites? Not a good idea, as Web censorship might have a 'toothpaste tube effect'
Some modest remarks on the role of citizen lobbying in defeating #SOPA
SOPA: an iniquitous piece of legislation defeated by a 7 million-strong Google petition and a spectacular 24-hour blackout… But what is the role of lobbying in this story ?

Online censorship in Berluscoland: even Wikipedia goes on strike!
You can tell that in a nation the cultural and political situation has reached a height of obscurantism when even encyclopedias go on strike.