Tag: music

You know you are part of a subculture when… (Sunday Sociological Song)
Emo-goths, campus jocks, hardcore rockers, leather queers, computer geeks, superhero buffs… you probably know at least one member of a… read more You know you are part of a subculture when… (Sunday Sociological Song)

What has country music ever done for urban sociology? (Sunday Sociological Song)
Ready for another installment of our cross-blog Sunday Sociological Song? This week, I was looking for a song illustrating Nels… read more What has country music ever done for urban sociology? (Sunday Sociological Song)

This week in Anomie (Sunday Sociological Song)
How would you talk about sociologically-meaningful topics… in music? A Sunday Sociological Song to illustrate Durkheim’s notion of anomie.

If you miss the sound of vuvuzelas, try listening to Die Antwoord!
2010 World Cup has been a mesmerizing spectacle, mainly because of the vuvuzelas. If you, like me, miss that disturbing, spitty, heartfelt, mongrel sound, here’s a – seemingly unrelated – piece of South African soundscape: Die Antwoord [NSFW].

Hidden track #7 : CCCP – épatez vos amis avec du punk philo-soviétique
Cela devient difficile de trouver quelque chose de vraiment nouveau pour épater vos amis mordus de musique sans risquer, au bout de longues pérégrinations sur Last.fm, de vous faire suggérer du Lady Gaga. Mieux vaut s’orienter vers des groupes défunts. Nom : CCCP – Fedeli alla linea (“URSS – Fidèles à la ligne”). Année de création : 1981. Pays : Italie. Genre : art-punk philo-soviétique avec influences folk, disco et world.

Alberto Camerini, prophète du spaghetti cyberpunk
1983. Le magazine Time attribue le prix “personnalité de l’année” à un ordinateur. William Gibson travaille encore le manuscrit de… read more Alberto Camerini, prophète du spaghetti cyberpunk

Hidden track # 3: The World/Inferno Friendship Society linkfest
Take a broken-hearted Jersey-born Brooklynite, a bearded saxophonist, an accordionist, a rude chick playing bass guitar, The Dresden Dolls former… read more Hidden track # 3: The World/Inferno Friendship Society linkfest