Tag: social isolation

Posted in body social capital social networks

New discovery: actually Internet CURES cancer!!!

By Antonio A. Casilli (Centre Edgar-Morin, EHESS, Paris) After putting online a post that satirized an article claiming that electronic… read more New discovery: actually Internet CURES cancer!!!

Posted in social capital social networks space

Canadian sociologist Barry Wellman's lecture on Networked Individualism

The director of NetLab at the University of Toronto, Barry Wellman has a reputation for being a pragmatic, rigurous, and… read more Canadian sociologist Barry Wellman's lecture on Networked Individualism

Posted in body social networks

Use social networking services, get free cancer

By Antonio A. Casilli (Centre Edgar-Morin, EHESS, Paris) In a recent lecture at the University Paris Descartes I had mentioned… read more Use social networking services, get free cancer

Posted in body social networks

Internet addiction: an unconvincing notion

Internet addiction has become kind of an unconvincing notion since ubiquitous computing has rendered the Internet just about as pervasive as – say – running water. Of course, my quality of life would decrease dramatically if I had to live without taking showers or washing my dishes. But can I say I am addicted to running water?