Category: body

Posted in body social networks

Virus, viralité, visceralité – Logiques culturelles et processus sociaux en réseau

Notes de la première séance “Virus” de mon séminaire EHESS ‘Corps et TIC : approches socio-anthropologiques des usages numériques’ qui a eu lieu jeudi 25 novembre 2010.

Posted in body social capital

Growing health divide: what's so fun about these stats again?

Take health and income data from 200 countries over 200 years. Stir up. Add Hans Rosling‘s distinctive delivery style and… read more Growing health divide: what's so fun about these stats again?

Posted in body social capital social networks

Séminaire EHESS "Corps et technologies des l'information et de la communication"

Première séance du séminaire EHESS “Corps et technologies des l’information et de la communication : Approches socio-anthropologiques des usages numériques” animé par Antonio Casilli (Centre Edgar-Morin, IIAC EHESS/CNRS).

Date : jeudi 25 novembre 2010
Horaire : de 17h à 19h
Lieu : salle 5, EHESS, 105 bd Raspail 75006 Paris.

Posted in body social capital

‘Digital natives’: it’s an old, old notion…

Debunking the myth of the ‘Digital natives’: my speech at Lift10 conference (Geneva). Computer Kids (1980s), Internet Children (1990s), Digital Natives (2000s). Some of the members of this so-called new generation of computer users are already pushing forty…

Posted in body

A History of Virulence: The Body and Computer Culture in the 1980s (part 2 – with illustrations)

From viral marketing to computer viruses, the cultural logic of virality permeates the Web. The December 2010 issue of the Sage journal Body & Society will publish my long-awaited 36-page essay “A History of Virulence: The Body and Computer Culture in the 1980s”. The text that follows is the second part of the “author’s cut” version of the article: an archeology of computer-mediated moral panic, autonomist marxist hacking, and AIDS activism.

Posted in body

A History of Virulence: The Body and Computer Culture in the 1980s (part 1)

From viral marketing to computer viruses, the cultural logic of virality permeates the Web. The December 2010 issue of the Sage journal Body & Society will publish my long-awaited 36-page essay “A History of Virulence: The Body and Computer Culture in the 1980s”. The text that follows is the first part of the “author’s cut” version of the article: an archeology of computer-mediated moral panic, autonomist marxist hacking, and AIDS activism. Enjoy.

Posted in body social capital social networks space

Are social media deepening nutritional inequalities?

“Eatocracy”: a joint CNN/Foursquare initative might end up creating of a nutritional aristocracy commanding, via social networking, health information and services.

Posted in body

Brazilian band given a high dose of X-ray for the sake of art (Special Sociological Song)

The best example of occupational hazard? Maybe this impressive video of the song Anormal by the Brazilian band Pato Fu: just a few musicians playing in a studio – only they are given X-ray all throughout the recording session!

Posted in body

L'ingrédient secret d'un bon avatar ? Le cadavre d'un condamné à mort

Comment faire un avatar à partir des images anatomiques du Visible Human Project ? Il vous faudra un logiciel de 3D, du code et beaucoup de patience. Mais l’ingrédient fondamental est… le cadavre d’un prisonnier exécuté dans une prison du Texas le 5 août 1993. A l’aide de diverses techniques d’imagerie médicale (résonance magnétique, tomographie computérisée et cryosection) son corps scanné a fourni la matière première pour cet atlas anatomique de nouveau type, ensuite utilisé à des fins didactiques , diagnostiques – et artistiques.

Posted in body social capital social networks space

Ce qui se passe…

Dorénavant, toute actu liée au livre et tout le côté “public” de mon activité sera traité sur, tandis que deviendra surtout un blog d’approfondissement.