Tag: computer culture

Posted in Non classé

The first infographic of computer user types ever created! (circa 1974)

I just bumped into the first known infographic about “computer user types” and wanted to share it with you. That, my… read more The first infographic of computer user types ever created! (circa 1974)

Posted in body

A History of Virulence: The Body and Computer Culture in the 1980s (part 2 – with illustrations)

From viral marketing to computer viruses, the cultural logic of virality permeates the Web. The December 2010 issue of the Sage journal Body & Society will publish my long-awaited 36-page essay “A History of Virulence: The Body and Computer Culture in the 1980s”. The text that follows is the second part of the “author’s cut” version of the article: an archeology of computer-mediated moral panic, autonomist marxist hacking, and AIDS activism.

Posted in body

A History of Virulence: The Body and Computer Culture in the 1980s (part 1)

From viral marketing to computer viruses, the cultural logic of virality permeates the Web. The December 2010 issue of the Sage journal Body & Society will publish my long-awaited 36-page essay “A History of Virulence: The Body and Computer Culture in the 1980s”. The text that follows is the first part of the “author’s cut” version of the article: an archeology of computer-mediated moral panic, autonomist marxist hacking, and AIDS activism. Enjoy.

Posted in body social networks

"How come it's BLUE?" The origins of James Cameron's Avatar

Superheroes, virtual worlds and hindu gods: a visual genealogy of James Cameron’s Avatar – based on my article “Les Avatars Bleus” (Communications, 2005). For those who don’t speak French. Also, for those who simply can’t be bothered to go through 30 pages of socio-babbling 😉

Posted in social networks

Alberto Camerini, prophète du spaghetti cyberpunk

1983. Le magazine Time attribue le prix “personnalité de l’année” à un ordinateur. William Gibson travaille encore le manuscrit de… read more Alberto Camerini, prophète du spaghetti cyberpunk

Posted in body social capital space

Dans la revue Esprit mon dossier sur "Le corps dans la culture du numérique"

La dernière livraison de la revue Esprit (mars 2009), est entièrement consacrée aux impacts sociaux d’Internet. Elle contient le dossier… read more Dans la revue Esprit mon dossier sur "Le corps dans la culture du numérique"