What is the Real Impact of Generative AIs on Jobs? (In L’Usine Nouvelle, July 20, 2023)

Generative AIs, capable of producing text and images on demand, have garnered attention for their potential to disrupt the job market. In a feature titled “Les IA génératives mettent-elles vraiment des emplois en péril?” (Do Generative AIs Truly Endanger Jobs?), L’Usine Nouvelle delves into the complex landscape of artificial intelligence’s influence on employment. ChatGPT, a prominent example of such technology, has stirred both intrigue and apprehension, as studies have raised concerns about their potential to replace human jobs. However, when interviewed for this article, I tried to offer a nuanced perspective in the discussion.

The article further explores the concept of “platformization” of employment, a phenomenon where AI tasks could be outsourced to low-cost labor markets, potentially altering the nature of work. Yann Ferguson and I highlight the risks associated with this trend and emphasize the importance of recognizing the evolving nature of employment, particularly in light of increasing AI involvement in tasks traditionally done by humans.

Moreover, the discussion extends to whether generative AIs might be used as a pretext for corporate downsizing. I argue that these technologies should not serve as tools for destabilizing or precarizing employment, emphasizing that the changing landscape of work necessitates a thoughtful and informed approach.

To read the full article, visit [L’Usine Nouvelle].